Direct Experience

Published January 31, 2025 by swankivy

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To be clear, I do NOT think that every kind of coach must have direct successful personal experience with the subject they’re coaching; it’s just the nature of some professions that certain lessons CAN be taught (and successfully followed by students) without the teacher having personal experience. I can teach you about different kinds of coffee beans without having personally harvested them where they grow, for instance. But if you’re trying to teach people how to do something and what you’re doing DIDN’T work for you? Reconsider.

I once knew two young women who were excited to go on a surfing trip with their boyfriends, but they had literally never surfed before. After their boyfriends taught them some basics and then, ya know, went off together to do real surfing, the girls began filming each other demonstrating how to surf and giving pointers that had probably been given to them a few hours ago–demonstrating the basics incorrectly, getting details wrong, and basically looking ridiculous but trying to sound like they had any authority to teach others how to surf. It had the feel of a toddler in a play kitchen explaining in baby babble how to fix a sandwich. They posted their video proudly on one of their YouTube channels. The comments filled up with people saying what was wrong with their advice or warning people not to take advice from them. They eventually deleted the video.

You should not learn how to do things you care about from people who don’t know how to do it. At best it just will not work. At worst it will teach you bad habits.

Furthermore, some people who have no experience or credentials are out there to intentionally scam you. People posing as editors, writing coaches, and especially publishers and agents will sometimes draw in victims by pretending to have expertise and offering advice, then separating you from your money. You should want to know the background of people who give you advice in a professional capacity, and especially if they create materials or provide coaching that you have to pay for, it isn’t wrong for you to expect them to have either proven insider knowledge or personal success on the subject. They’re most likely not going to tell you straight up that they don’t have the experience the way the conversation went in this comic, either, so beware.

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