
All posts for the month February, 2014


Published February 28, 2014 by swankivy

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I’m the busiest slacker there ever was. I’m not even kidding.

My publishing contract decreed that my deadline to turn in my manuscript was March 1. I’ve known this since the end of 2013. And all I wanted to do was go through the book a couple more times, fine-tune it even more, and apply some “house style” and coding. It wouldn’t take long, right? I’d get down to business once I had a month to go, right?

And then my February proceeded pretty much like the picture above.

  1. I blogged. A lot. Fifteen blog entries in the month of February, plus a blog interview on another blog.
  2. I laughed it up on Twitter. (Mostly on my author account.)
  3. I read. Not much reading got done, but I finished Dance of the Dissident Daughter and am almost finished with Austenland.
  4. I baked cookies for my brother-in-law’s birthday.
  5. I did a ninety-minute talk at Princeton University’s IvyQ Conference.
  6. I chatted on Skype (and in other ways) with my critique partner from Pitch Wars. I kind of spent a bunch of January helping him get an agent and stuff.
  7. I made a couple videos. I did one on education for writers for my writing channel and one where I read an ignorant letter and laughed at it on my asexuality/personal channel.
  8. I did a bunch of karaoke on the Internet. I do it every week. Performed “Disarm,” “Back in Business,” “Luka,” and “Taylor the Latte Boy.”
  9. I posted some rants and arguments and conversations and silliness on Tumblr.
  10. I submitted some short stories to magazines. I’m not good at short stories. Maybe these magazines will disagree with me.
  11. Funny how I’m willing to edit other people’s books, letters, pitch materials, and correspondence, but I’m procrastinating on my own editing, eh?
  12. I go out to dinner and hang out with my friend Jeaux once a week. He gets Wednesdays.
  13. I watched some American Idol. I’m still very far behind, but what do you expect?
  14. I started putting some reviews on my author account on Goodreads, finally, and I started with the books from my childhood. I seem to have reviewed 60 books so far, and I haven’t gotten past the stuff I read in 1986.
  15. As you can see, I drew this comic. I also draw Negative One, and did so every Friday of the month.

And I edited my book twice, applied the necessary coding, created a style sheet for it, and compiled footnotes. Sent it off to my editor shortly before completing this comic.

I swear I’m usually good with deadlines. . . .